Press Coverage

Farewell to a Beautiful Soul
Amidst the tears and sorrow that we bear,
We bid farewell to a future without her care.
A life so cherished and deeply adored,
Now rests in peace, with our loving Lord.
Galina, a name that echoes in our heart,
A soul so pure, a work of art.
Her kindness and warmth, a guiding light,
That illuminated every soul in sight.
A sister, a friend, a mother, a wife,
Her love and compassion, a ray of life.
A gentle smile, a heart so kind,
The memories of her, forever enshrined.
In the depth of our hearts, she’ll always stay,
And guide us through each passing day.
Though she may not be by our side,
Her spirit will forever be our guide.
Dear family, in this time of grief,
May your love and strength bring you relief.
May Galina’s soul find eternal rest,
In the arms of the One who knows her best.
Let us bid our last farewells,
With tears in our eyes, our hearts that swells.
For her memory shall remain so tender,
A soul so beautiful, we’ll always remember.

Er. Tapan Jatakia